Hello spring!

By |Março 2nd, 2023|Categories: Lita's Blog|

Spring is one of the happiest times of the year, the season of the sun and the smiles. Before spring is here, we can already feel, see and smell its arrival. The days are longer, the temperatures more pleasant, and nature gives us an air of grace with all the colours, perfumes and aromas. A typical spring vegetable for me is asparagus, which has many good health benefits. For this issue, I have chosen vegan minestrone and asparagus pesto bruschetta, a delightful, fresh and delicious menu to celebrate the beginning of spring. spring minestrone [...]

Vegan Valentine’s Day Recipe

By |Fevereiro 3rd, 2023|Categories: Lita's Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Red colours are not just warm colours. They are very powerful, the colour of love! If you want to surprise the love of your life with a romantic vegan dinner to celebrate Valentine’s Day, try my lovely three-course menu, which I created for you. All the recipes serve two, perfect for an intimate dinner with your loved one. BEETROOT CARPACCIO Ingredients: 2 cooked beetroots Olive oil Lemon or balsamic Parsley Salt and pepper Cut the beetroots into very thin slices and arrange these in the shape of a heart. Marinate the[...]

Healthy New Year

By |Dezembro 19th, 2022|Categories: Lita's Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

First, a Happy New Year to everyone! The typical good resolutions for the new year are: to eat healthier, do more sports, lose weight, reduce stress, drink less alcohol, quit smoking, save money, and take more time for yourself. You may not reach all these goals, but you can start with nutrition! If you integrate more fruit, vegetables, legumes, whole grain products, cereals, nuts, and organic seasonal and regional products in your eating habits, you will have more energy for sports, lose weight and become healthier. Even non-vegetarians can take advantage of the health benefits of eating vegan twice[...]

A Vegan Christmas

By |Dezembro 6th, 2022|Categories: Lita's Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Be brave and try something new this year, go for it and cook my menu for your family dinner. For the first course, there is a beetroot cream soup, second avocado-mango tartar on a rocket salad bed and for the main course eggplant stuffed with red lentils and eggplant pulp, for dessert caramelized apple with Christmas spices. May I suggest starting with a light sparkling aperitif and a nice and smooth red wine to accompany the dinner. This is a light, delicious and healthy menu that will satisfy you and your family. Merry Christmas! Red[...]

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